This is what the calcium rock that Florida is made of looks like. Water can flow through it easily.
Florida is all about water and with 60” ( 1.5 metres) a year there is a lot of fresh water.
This illustration shows how fresh water from rain fills voids in the rock to form a lens to keep the salt water at bay.
In the case of Florida I can see no reason why the rain should stop but there was no advance warning for the Californian droughts, except that they have had them before. And certainly no advance warning that the jet stream would stick and cause droughts in California and the South West and also heavy floods or snow in the Northeast and warm weather in Alaska.
Florida has a fairly constant rainfall of fifty to sixty inches, with or without a hurricane but if it stopped and did not replenish the water lens then sea water would flood the underground water supplies and it would never be the same again.